Quail: 5 Impacts of Urban Development on Their Habitat – An In-Depth Analysis

Quail Natural Habitat

Quail, along with many other species, have seen their habitat change significantly in recent years. The city of Puerto Vallarta in which we live is very different from the one that was inhabited some time ago, especially in the nearby natural environment. Today, many of the inhabitants of Puerto Vallarta see progress as a succession of new works and constructions, where there is almost no space for reflection and reformulation.

Life on the outskirts of the city

I live on the outskirts of Puerto Vallarta, in a neighborhood made up primarily of people who moved from other states in Mexico to work in construction or tourism. Living on the edge of the city means not having all the basic services, since these areas are growing rapidly as are all the hotels and condominiums that are built around the water.

Enjoying the nature

But not everything is bad living on the edge. For years we have enjoyed being surrounded by native vegetation, and from time to time we spot reptiles, mammals and birds. I especially love birds, every morning I go out to my terrace and listen to the beauty of their songs; In fact, the view from the building is incredible, I can see the ocean, the hotels and the beautiful mountains in the background.

Disappearance of Green Areas

However, I also see how the green areas disappear every day and become flat brown rectangles of land, where they plan to sell land to all the newcomers. I see fires in the distance and also dust; We are killing the trees, so nothing on the ground can hold the earth, and the dust rises in a cloud that covers my entire neighborhood, especially during rush hour when neighbors leave the house to go to work or when they return in the evening. night to rest. This affects not only the flora and fauna, but also the quality of life of the inhabitants.

Impact of Development on Wildlife

I recently discovered that they are building a highway so that people can travel in less time to cities like Guadalajara, just a couple of blocks from my house. That made me think about rabbits, deer, opossums, snakes, iguanas, but especially quails. These birds are always scared. I remember every time I used to walk my dog ​​and I would find them whispering and running quickly through the vegetation to avoid being seen.

According to Conabio – Birds of Mexico , the loss of natural habitats is one of the main threats to birds in the country, underscoring the importance of conserving and protecting our natural environments.

Paso Ancho River Cleanup It is an example of how the community can get involved in the conservation of the natural environment, something crucial for the well-being of species such as quail.

Uncertain Future for Quail

So the highway will be built, more people will buy land around here, and we will all have to suffer from the lack of water that is wasted or used in those fancy condos around us. I know I can’t stop the model of progress that human society is wedded to, but I can’t help but feel an emptiness in my belly, like when you’re falling off a roller coaster. So I wonder, where will the quail go? These birds, and many others, will be forced to look for new homes in an increasingly hostile environment.

Final reflection

I hope that the universe has a paradise just for them, where no human can hurt them or displace them from their home again.

Editorial Credits

Text Credits © SuperCrab Sapiens – Contact: e-mail: birdbraham@gmail.com

Credits courtesy editorial © Bay Vallarta in collaboration with © Vallarta Online

Quail habitat in Puerto Vallarta