Las Juntas and Los Veranos: 7 Reasons to Visit this Spectacular Ecotourism Paradise

The Meetings and the Summers

Las Juntas and Los Veranos is a charming ecotourism destination located a few minutes south of Puerto Vallarta, following Highway 200 towards El Tuito. This place has become one of the favorite getaways for residents of the bay, who seek to cool off and enjoy their natural surroundings. Located in the municipality of Cabo Corrientes, Las Juntas and Los Veranos has established itself as a destination that combines tourist, recreational and gastronomic attractions, offering a unique experience for visitors.

1. An Incomparable Natural Environment

At an altitude that varies between 400 and 800 meters above sea level, Las Juntas and Los Veranos are noted for their rich wildlife, rivers and waterfalls, and the fresh air of the Sierra Madre. This natural paradise is crossed by the Horcones River, one of the main tributaries that flows into Banderas Bay. In addition, it is located less than 5 minutes from the sea, with the Boca de Tomatlán pier offering panga connections to beaches such as Las Ánimas, Quimixto and Yelapa.

2. History and Formation of the Ejido

The main population center of Las Juntas and Los Veranos has approximately 560 inhabitants. This ejido was formed in 1965 through the union of two groups of farmers from different ejidos: Las Juntas and Los Veranos. Since then, it has grown and prospered, focusing on sustainability and the use of its natural resources.

3. Ecotourism Activities in Las Juntas and Los Veranos

Las Juntas and Los Veranos has become a popular destination for alternative and ecological tourism. Among the main tourist activities are the exciting zip lines that allow visitors to slide through the jungle and culminate in a refreshing swim in the river. In addition, the area is full of trails for hiking, rural routes for adventures and camping areas ideal for those seeking an experience in direct contact with nature.

Commitment to environmental conservation is an integral part of the experience at Las Juntas and Los Veranos. For example, you can participate in Paso Ancho River cleanup events, helping to keep rivers and beaches clean and healthy for future generations. Paso Ancho River Cleanup It is an activity that highlights the community’s commitment to the preservation of its natural environment.

4. Connections with Other Destinations

Trails in Las Juntas and Los Veranos lead to beaches such as Las Ánimas, Quimixto and Yelapa, making them popular destinations among hikers. Additionally, the Mismaloya waterfalls are easily accessible from here, offering a stunning natural experience for visitors.

5. Puerto Vallarta Botanical Garden

A few minutes from the center of Las Juntas and Los Veranos, on federal highway 200, is the Botanical Garden of Puerto Vallarta. This space of 26 hectares, at an altitude of 420 meters above sea level, is managed by the Civil Association Vallarta Botanical Gardens , founded by Bob Price in 2004. The botanical garden is an ideal place to learn about the endemic flora and fauna of the region.

6. Wildlife Observation

Las Juntas and Los Veranos is a privileged place for wildlife observation. Visitors can find endemic animal species such as armadillos, raccoons, jaguars, foxes, wild boars, pumas and badgers. In addition, it is an excellent place for bird watching, including parakeets, macaws, chachalacas and chonchos.

7. Commitment to Environmental Conservation

The Las Juntas and Los Veranos ejido has become a pioneer in environmental conservation and sustainable development. Its inhabitants actively participate in the protection and restoration of its natural environment, ensuring that this beautiful place is maintained for future generations.


Las Juntas and Los Veranos offers a perfect combination of nature, adventure and culture. Whether you’re looking for a quiet getaway or an adrenaline-filled experience, this destination has something for everyone. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit Las Juntas and Los Veranos and discover everything this wonderful place has to offer.

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